Depending on the client’s assessment goals, an assessment consists of the following items:

The interview with the psychologist focuses on the assessment goals as well as the applicant’s motivation, ambitions, personality traits and occupational abilities. The profiles emerging from the various questionnaires will be discussed. In consultation with the psychologist, the applicant then explores his strengths, development needs, and career potential.

The questionnaire includes a number of questions focussing on motivation, strengths, development needs, and career goals. It is completed online by the applicant before the assessment.

Occupational personality questionnaire (OPQ)
An occupational personality questionnaire is an instrument for obtaining insight into the applicant’s personality in a work setting. The answers to this questionnaire cannot be right or wrong. In the interview, the applicant’s profile is tested against reality. The personality questionnaire is completed online by the applicant before the assessment.

Motivation questionnaire
The motivation questionnaire is a tool to gain an insight into an applicant’s commitment and vocational motivation. This questionnaire will also be presented online before the assessment.

Occupational tests 
An occupational test is a sound and reliable tool for obtaining more insight into an intellectual ability. During the assessment, the applicant usually takes three tests, which are held by using a laptop. The specific tests, which the candidate is asked to complete, depend on the job and the assessment goals. The skills to be measured may include: linguistic understanding, abstract thinking, logical reasoning, numerical reasoning, technical understanding, programming aptitude, three-dimensional understanding, and administrative aptitude.

Role-playing is an effective tool to obtain better understanding of relevant behavioural skills, for example in leadership, negotiating or presentation. Role-playing is an individual procedure, usually performed with an actor and often recorded on video. Consequently, the session is immediately evaluated with the applicant.

Analysis exercise/in-tray exercise
An analysis exercise is a written task requiring the applicant to study a problem situation (case) and to work out a solution. This solution is then discussed with the psychologist. An in-tray exercise is a written task requiring the applicant to start actions and take decisions on the basis of all kinds of written information.

Occupational interest inventory /management interest inventory
The applicant will often complete these questionnaires online in connection with a development or career assessment. These tools will give the applicant more insight into occupational interests and leadership styles and preferences.